Based on the syllabus requirements of PCN (GEN), the training course provides thorough training and qualification for Welding Inspection personnel including Technicians, Inspectors, and Engineers called upon to witness, supervise or conduct surveillance Welding Inspection activities.
The course satisfies the formal training element of the requirements of PCN and hence is the basic foundation which can lead to PCN Welding Inspector qualification(s).
Welding Inspection - Level II
- Principles of Welding Inspection,
- Basics of welding processes,
- controls and functions of welding equipment,
- correct set-up of welding parameters and their control,
- calibration and validation requirements,
- health and safety aspects,
- testing techniques prioritizing welding imperfections and assessment of workmanship,
- reporting of results imperfection / defect types,
- delectability of imperfections/defects,
- factors affecting the performance of welding inspection,
- codes of practice and standards,
- conducting and recording the test,
- practical assessment of welded and non welded joints