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ASNT Preparatory/Refresher


We can help you prepare for an NDT exam, advance your career, increase your knowledge and much more. We provide several prep courses to help you continue learning and reach that next level.

The subject matter for all of courses is derived from the training topics found in CP-105, Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A and CP-189.


ASNT refresher courses are considered Level III courses and are designed for those who are currently Level II or III and are looking to become an ASNT Level III or to maintain their Level III status.

The courses are structured around the same Body of Knowledge as the ASNT NDT Level III examinations.


All ASNT Preparatory/Refresher courses are taught by ASNT Level III Trainers.


ASNT Basic Exam

This intensive 40 hour preparatory course covers the Basic principles and techniques all Level III personnel should be familiar with. It is designed to provide an in-depth review of the key aspects in order to prepare the attendee to become an effective Level III. It also addresses those subjects a candidate for ASNT or corporate Level III examinations should thoroughly understand. This needs to be taken as a prerequisite before challenging your ASNT Level III method examinations. The instructor will help each attendee identify areas requiring further study.


ASNT Level III Method Exams

After successful completion of the ASNT Basic Exam, candidates who meet the additional requirements may apply to take a Level III method certification exam.  These 40 hour courses are designed to prepare the candidate to successfully review and sit the exam in the the following methods:


  • Electromagnetic Testing (ASNT ET Level III Preparatory)
  • Liquid Penetrent Testing (ASNT PT Level III Preparatory)
  • Magnetic Particle Testing (ASNT MT Level III Preparatory)
  • Radiographic Testing (ASNT RT Level III Preparatory)
  • Ultrasonic Testing (ASNT UT Level III Preparatory)
  • Visual Testing (ASNT VT Level III Preparatory)
  • Infrared/Thermal Testing  (ASNT IR Level III Preparatory)
  • Acoustic Emission Testing (ASNT AE Level III Preparatory)
  • Leak Testing (ASNT LT Level III Preparatory)

ASNT Level III Preparatory

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